Thursday, January 17, 2013

What's Happening.....

All the tests are back and I do have gallstones. So I will go in for a surgery consult in the next few months, and the surgeon will decide if  the gall bladder needs to be removed or not.

Things have gotten back to normal around here. The girls are back at the school work and are enjoying it. The twins have been studying for finals as today is the last day of first semester. They will be writing their finals next week.  I am teaching course 2 of the cake decorating series right now and can't wait for it too end. LOL!! This course focuses mostly on royal icing flowers and it is not my favourite icing to work with.

We have been going through the house and getting rid of plenty of stuff. I decided to join a challenge that another blogger posted about getting rid of 2013 items in 2013. We have been flying along with it and have already gotten rid of almost 700 items. I just put a piece of paper up by the box of stuff to donate and whenever someone tosses something in they put down a tally mark. So far it is working really well! I regularly get rid of garbage bags full of stuff, so it is always surprising when we can find this much more. Emily has even gotten excited about it and that is a huge thing. Considering she is usually the one refusing to get rid of anything, because it is all special. When I told her how proud I was of her she told me why she wants to have less stuff. Her plan is that we get rid of lots of stuff so we can buy a motorhome like Aunty Fiona, Uncle Fred,Opa and Vadie, then we can live in it and Fluffy will be able to go everywhere with us. LOL!!
The biggest thing for me was going through a bunch of storage bins and when we were done realizing that 3 of the bins were now empty! How much money do we spend organizing and storing our stuff!! STUFF that maybe we don't need.

1. That the weather here has been amazing!
2. The beautiful sunset last night the sky was shades of purple!
3. That the house feels so much lighter and roomier with all this stuff gone!


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