Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The past few days we have been helping a friend move but Emily and I managed to take a few minutes out to practice riding her bike.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Amanda's Grad Pics

Yesterday they had the ceremony and tonight is the banquet. David and Amanda are both graduated now and they are absolutely thrilled about it.

Monday, June 28, 2010

I have been working in the yard for the last few days and it is really starting to look good. Here you can see my grass starting to come up .
The first of the tiger lilies to bloom.

Lamium in full bloom. I am going to have to cut this back alot, it is more than tripled in size since last year. A neighbour is starting a new garden though and would like some.

Daisies are my favourite flower, they just make me very happy. These ones I planted from seed last year and they are just huge.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Pictures from David's Grad

David getting his certificate.

Friday, June 4, 2010

More garden pictures

Can't remember the name of this one I guess I will have to look it up.

Bleeding Heart. Out of the 4 I planted 2 have not come up at all and the other 1 is about 6 inches tall, but this one is doing great.

The new tire garden we put in along the driveway.

Can't remember what kind though I do now it gets really tall compared to other kinds. This one is about 4 feet right now.

Garden pictures

Leo's Bane
Hanging basket I bought with my birthday money.

Coral Bells


Strawberry plants, that are getting really big.