Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Emily's 7th birthday cake. She had alot of fun with her friends, playing at the park and
doing crafts. We bought her a balloon bouquet also which she loves.
Yesterday Rob and I cleaned out the shed. It is nice to actually be able to get in there and find stuff now. Before you couldn't find any room on the floor to wallk and when you closed the door you were always worried about what might fall down and block it from opening again. Rob has admitted he is not a very organized person so was very happy that I helped him do it. I did have an ulterior motive though, I wanted to be able to get my bike and trailer or the bbq stuff out without a struggle.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The last few days I have been cutting and painting shelves. Now they are al done and put up. A home can never have another shelves. LOL!! These are the ones we put up in the master bedroom. Now the drssers aren't so cluttered.
These are the ones we put up in the entryway. I designed them to it the bins I found at the dollar store. I picked up 2 more f them yesterday for the top shelf too. Later I will label the bins. There is one for the animal stuff, 1 each for Emily and the twins, the 2 blue ones are for the kids I babysit and the 2 on the top will be for Robs and my stuff. No more digging through bags looking for mitts and such and when it is time to go home the kids I watch will be able to find their stuff too. Yea!! for getting organized!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

This month I decided I needed to finish off alot of the projects that I keep meaning to do or start and never seem to find time to finish. Which is why the quilt was finished and now all these projects are finally done. They can now be scratched off the list. YAY!!!!
I found a pillow case at Value Village a few weeks ago and loved the print so I have made it into 2 throw pillows for the couch.
I found this at material at a garage sale a few years ago and decided to get it put together for Emily for Christmas.
The burlap part of these pillows the twins made when they were in grade 1. I saved them thinking I would make them into pillows for the boys. They are now going into grade, but the pillows are finally made and they will get them as pasrt of their christmas gift also. Better late than never.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Last year I cut out all the pieces to make a quilt for Emily and then never got it put together. I pulled it all out of the closet the other day and decided to get it done finally. Even though it was almost 30 degrees out yesterday Emily insisted she needed to sleep with it last night and is now cuddled up in it on the couch watching movies.

I also made cushions for the couch and a cushion for each of the twins and Emily. I will try to post pictures of those tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I haven't been around in awhile because I have been so busy. I decided to finally get organized and finish the living room. Last fall I painted the walls and we built a desk but we never painted the desk or the trim around the windows and we never put up the blinds that we found on sale really cheap. So I did it. I also recovered the dawer that is in our tv cabinet.

The old ripped up fabric that was covering the drawer. Yucky!!
The new recovered drawer. It has gold stars on it but it is hard to see in the picture.
The finished front room windows. No more peeling paint. Yay!!!