Thursday, April 29, 2010

Emily trying out the vandograph machine.
Emily and her group building their rollercoaster.
Frank and Nathaniel working on their rollercoaster.

Emily's group trying out their rollercoaster.

Jake and his group testing their rollercoaster.

Frank and his group working on their rollercoaster again after taking it apart.

Yesterday the twins, Emily and I spent the day at a science presentation that Telus World of Science put on. They learnt about cryogenics, electricity and physics in motion. All the kids worked in groups to build rollercoasters and Emily was put in a group with 3 other girls. She loved that. After dinner we took Emily to gymnastics and she insisted that her boys come and watch her too.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I went to a womans retreat with a friend this weekend. Tracey, Riley and Matthew came down to watch the kids for me because Rob had to work.
We got to sign up for a breakout session and I went to the hair one. The hair dresser chose me to be one of the models and this is the style they gave me. I have fairly curly hair and have never straightened it in my life so this was a first for me. I really liked it, but then again I love making changes.
The retreat was amazing, there was a lot of great music for worship, a wonderful speaker and some of the ladies did some great skits. All in all I had a wonderful weekend.
Almost forgot but at weigh in for TOPS last week I lost 3 lbs. Yea!!!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The girls decorating cupcakes with the leftover icing. As you can see they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. School is out for Easter break so Destiny and Emily get to hang out and play all day. They are both very happy about it.

Did everyone have a wonderful Easter? We had a turkey dinner on Sunday night after Rob got home from work. He worked the whole weekend so his next cheque should be a nice one.

Yesterday Joe came and picked the boys up and took them to a movie. They saw Clash of the Titans and all of them really enjoyed it. The girls played in the yard while I raked the gardens out. After dinner Emily and I went to Sparks and picked up a few cases of cookies. We did door to door sales for an hour and she sold 2 cases. She knocked on each of the doors and asked everyone herself, all I did was carry the box and make change for her. Since deciding she isn't shy anymore she has come a long way.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy April's Fools Day!!

I made the spaghetti and meatballs cake for the kids. They all think it is hilarious and can't wait to have some after lunch.
It is a cupcake cake with icing noodles, ferrero rocher chocolates for meatballs and strawberry jam for the sauce.