Saturday, April 27, 2013

My youngest 4!!! Not so little!!

I am still healing but am starting to feel a lot better.  I have almost no pain now and the incisions look like they are all healed except the biggest one. Of course it is the one that is in the worst place, I can't get my bra on because it will rub. Oh well, it won't be long and then that will be healed too.
The girls and I are doing school work slowly but surely. A lot of it has been done from bed but that's ok. The benefits of homeschooling!! I had a Star Wars birthday cake done for today and will post a picture of that as soon as I get it off my phone.
The chistian school the kids went to had a talent show last night and the twins and a friend decided to compete as alumni. They had a blast and got a lot of laughs. Rob took a video so we will try to get that off his phone and posted too.
1. That I am healing and feeling alot better.
2. That the pastors wife brought us a meal.
3. That Rob and the kids have been doing a lot to keep things going around here. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sorry I've been MIA....

But I'm still here. My Dad and Vadie were here for the last week and we had a great visit, even though it wasn't long enough. They never are!!

We have had a few birthdays around here:

Joe's birthday was March 31st.
Grandpa Don's birthday was on April 5th.
Twins birthday was on April 7th.
Riley's birthday was on April 8th.

The twins celebrated their birthday by the guys all going bowling, they invited a few friends and then Opa, Uncle Joe and David went with them too. Afterwards they all came back here for pizza and ice cream cake. They then took over the front room for video games. They all had a great time.

Tracey, Riley and Matthew came down too and then we had a family birthday party on Sunday for all of the birthday boys. Wish you could have been here too Grandpa Don!!!

You can see how much fun Matthew ad with all the boys! I will add more pictures of the trip soon but my computer is having issues so that's all for today.
1. That we had a wonderful visit with Dad and Vadie.
2. That the weather is starting to act more like spring.
3. That I have awesome kids.