Saturday, May 26, 2012


Last night the kids school held a talent show fundraiser. The kids all did an amazing job, there are some really talented children and teachers at that school. Emily sung in the choir but I didn't get any pictures of her because she hid behind a taller kid. The twins and 2 of their friends actually competed and they were awesome. Their singing leaves something to be desired but stage presence isn't something these boys are missing. It's a good thing they performed last because they had the audience pretty riled up.

That is Theo on the far left, then Jake, Frank and Kier. They sung Don't Stop Till Egypt by Apologetix. It is a christian version of Don't Stop Believing by Journey.


1. That God put amazing children into my life.
2. That we live in a place with lots of great acivities and opportunities.
3. That I have lost 2 lbs.

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