Monday, May 28, 2012

Meal Plan Monday

And it really is Monday this time!!

Rob and I have discussed it and decided to make a big change in our family's diets. In the past few weeks I have read The G.I. Diet and Living the G.I. Diet by Rick Gallop, Belly Fat Free by Josh Bezoni and Wheat Belly by William Davis. After each book I looked through our cupboards and realized how much junk was in them. So after talking about it with Rob, we went through our cupboards and took out alot of food. Food that we have decided that we don't want to put into our bodies or the bodies of our children.  We took all of the stuff over to the pantry at our church so it won't be just wasted.

Thankfully we had just paid off another debt and the only one we have left now is the van so we have some room in our budget to up the food category.

After we discussed the diet changes with the kids and the reasons we are making the changes, we came to the conclusion that cutting processed wheat from our diet would be met with alot less resistance than sugar. We will be cutting out processed sugar too but that will be done more slowly and will let everyone get used to using less and when the do want to add sweetener it can be something natural, like honey.

That being said our menu this week is all gluten free. I will let you know how it goes.

Sunday - crustless spinach quiche
Monday - wheat free pizza
Tuesday - zucchini bites and french fries
Wednesday - chili
Thursday - leftovers
Friday - tuna salad in flax seed wraps
Saturday - butter chicken and brown rice


1. That we have extra money to afford healthier food.
2. That we have a home to live in.
3. That I can cuddle up under a blanket and read a good book.

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