Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Not much new.....

Not alot has been happening around here, mostly just trying to get back onto a schedule with the girls and getting used to Rob's new work schedule. He is enjoying the new job and goes out for coffee with his friends to get that human interaction that he needs. LOL!!

I just started a new Beth Moore bible study on David and am really excited to get into. I really enjoy Beth Moores speaking and have watched a couple of her videos on youtube. This is a really good one

Beth Moore - Get Out of That Pit

We are still downsizing around here too. Since the beginning of this year we have gotten rid of ........

4334 items!!!!

I have no choice but to believe this stuff is breeding in dark corners! We have slowed down but will be continuing to get rid of stuff for awhile yet. We haven't even got to the shed yet.

1. That spring is coming!!
2. That we have more than we need.
3. That the boys are doing well and enjoying school.

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