Thursday, August 30, 2012

Calgary Trip

On Tuesday we took a trip up to Calgary for Frank to see the specialist. Rob and Jake both managed to get it off so we all went up and made a day trip of it.

The doctor says that all the tests have come back normal so they are all a little confused. When she first walked into the exam room she looked really confused, Jake was sitting right beside Frank and she hadn't seen him before. She said that I tolde her Frank was a twin but she didn't know they were really identical. LOL!! Frank has an ultrasound scheduled for the beginning of September and then they want to do another MRCP in a few months. If everything continues to look normal she says they will have to assume it was just an infection causing the bile ducts to swell and the beading in the bilary tracts. And at that time they will start weaning him off of the medication. YAY!!

After we saw the doctor we went up to the Cross Iron Mills Mall and visited the Bass Pro Shop. It is definitely a favourite store of our family.

1. That we got great news from the doctors.
2. That we had a fun and safe trip.
3. That Rob's surgery has been scheduled quickly.

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