Monday, July 23, 2012

Meal Plan Moday

Last week we followed about half of the menu, this week I would like to do better. When we stick to the menu our grocery budget is lower, because I only put things on the menu if we have all the ingredients already or when I need an ingredient it is on sale that week. So this week we are going to try and follow the menu completely.

Sunday - pizza
Monday - stir fry
Tuesday - spaghetti
Wednesday - salad
Thursday - leftovers
Friday - fish
Saturday - chili

1. That the family air show is on today and we are sending Rob and Emily up in an airplane, Rob for the 1st time and Emily for the 1st time she will remember.
2. That I got all the denim cut upand have gone from 2 huge boxes to one smaller one.
3. That we have 3 huge bags of clothes and some toys to drop off for a family in need.

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