Friday, October 12, 2012

I'm still here....

Frank hard at work.

Sorry, I haven't been posting, I have been busy with the girls, the house and just generally life. I have been bus cooking and getting ready to can again. A lady from the church asked if I wanted tomatoes, I said I can always use some tomatoes. She stopped by that night with a whole box of them. Yikes!! I looked up some recipes and decided to make salsa after I gave away 2 bags of them. So the last few days have been spent getting the skins off of the tomatoes, and then chopping tomatoes, onions, garlic and peppers. Today they stove is covered with simmering pots of salsa. Later today I will start canning them. Hopefully we will have it done tonight, and then I will have more pictures to post.

1. That we have been given so much food and that I have the supplies needed to preserve it.
2. That Rob sees the doctor today and hopefully he will be cleared to go back to work, because he is really getting antsy.
3. That we have been having such beautiful fall weather.

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