Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Girls

I love this picture and it looks even cuter with the frame Tracey made for it. It had a magnet on it at one point but it had fallen off  so we put it on the file cabinet to get fixed and of course it fell in behind.  Of course we found it when moving the file cabinet last week and Emily decided just to tack it onto her bulletin board.

1. For the huge amount of free apples we picked today.
2. That I had 2 great friends to pick apples with it made the day very fun.
3. That a storm just started and the rain is pouring down, I forgot to water the gardens today but I guess God saw they needed the water.


Dad said...

Cute very cute.

Also been catching up on the blog, and you are making great progress with you home. Looks really good.
Rob having fun with his toy as well, is he cooking you meals with it??

Danni said...

He is cooking alot with it and absolutely loves it!