Thursday, May 17, 2012

I'm going to try again. I've read it takes 21 consecutive days of doing something to make it a habit so maybe I need to blog daily. I would probably need double that amount of time because I tend to rebel against almost everything including my own good intentions.

First an update on Frank: His liver enzymes have continued to level out and the doctor was very happy about how fast they did that. He is officially off of the steroids, he took his last pill yesterday. We have a video conference scheduled for June 11th so then we can ask all the questions I keep forgetting about. If you can think of anything I might need to ask let me know, I'm trying to get a list of questions made so I don't forget anything this time.

So our lives lately have been very busy. I am still babysitting and I have been driving bus for some of the school field trips. Rob is working hard as usual. Emily is doing great and she has started taking art classes, which she is loving. The twins have been very busy with cadets and school. They have done a survival training weekend and gone gliding with cadets are now preparing for annual. They are doing really well in school and are planning on performing in the school talent show next week. Frank has been accepted to Survival Instructor camp this summer so he will be gone for 6 weeks. Jake did not get a camp offer this year so he is planning on making some money and getting a new bike, he also wants to do alot of camping. David is also doing great he is working full time at the electronics store now and they have trained him for opening and closing. They also told him that he could take the managers training. Tracey, Riley and Matthew are preparing for their move, Riley has an appartment and he stays their whille working then heads to Brooks on his days off. Hopefully their trailer will sell soon so they can all be in Unity together.

We are all very excited about the family reunion and can't wait for everyone to get here. We are sad that Cyndi, Steve and the kids can't come but hopefully they will make it too the next one.

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