Thursday, October 4, 2012


Yesterday was a busy day, on top of schoolwork for the girls and regular chores and working out I had a few other things to do. In the afternoon I was asked to help make cabbage rolls for the church harvest supper. It was alot of fun working with the other ladies and not only did I help out but learned how to make them myself. Another dinner we can add to the dinner menu and I lke the fact that I can make this one ahead and freeze, making it healthy fast food.

The church is holding a Wednesday evening bible study so I decided to go to that too. I even covinced Rob to come with me. I had to clean the church after so Jake decided to come over and get started on the cleaning while we were at the bible study. Emily came and was going to play in the nursery and Frank was at work. Emily ended up getting bored so she hung out with Jake and helped him clean, the two of them managed to get almost all the cleaning done before we finished up. I have amazingly wonderful kids.

Anyways, the bible study was on thankfulness, something I have been focused on lately. A few months back I came across this picture on the internet.

It had a huge impact on me, and since then I have been making a point of thanking God as much as I can. It is the reason I started doing the gratitudes on this blog and it is the reason that I start all my prayers with thanks now. The bible study just helped reinforce that.

We have so much to be thankful for and with Thanksgiving right around the corner, what better time than now to to start being more aware of all these amazing things that God has blessed us with.

Start a gratitude journal or a bulletin board, like my neighbour did. If we don't focus on these great things in our lives then we are focusing on the bad. God doesn't want us to be unhappy he wants us to be joyful and the more we are thankful the more good we will find.

I am thankful for.......

-my own home
-an amazing man in my life
-wonderful children
-a really cute grandson
-a large and loving extended family
-pets that cuddle and amuse me
-warm clothes
-food in our cupboards
-church family
-money for all the things we need and some of the wants
-our health
-Frank's healing
-Rob's surgery going well
-that I am able to homeschool
-our new furnace
-that the church and school let me and the kids cover for Rob while he was off, so we still had some money coming in
-and so many more things, but I would be writing forever if I kept going.


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