Monday, August 13, 2012

Meal Plan Monday

We stuck to the meal plan pretty good last week except 2 days. One day we ended up having leftovers because there were alot extra and I didn't want them to go bad. And the night we were supposed to have quiche we ended up having sandwiches instead. We had 2 egg cartons in the fridge and 1 had only 2 eggs left in it so I assumed (I know dumb...) that the other one was full. When I took them out to start dinner I found out that there was only 3 in the other one. Oh well lesson learned. Anyways here is this weeks menu:

Sunday - leftover
Monday - spaghetti
Tuesday - tacos
Wednesday - bbq chicken, Rob wants to use his bbq again
Thursday - leftovers
Friday - spinach quiche
Saturday - chili

I know we eat alot of leftovers but with only 1 teenager at the house the food isn't disappearing as fast as normal. Add onto that Rob's friend that works in a restaurant and keeps giving us those leftovers too and we end up with alot. I do take some of the stuff and make it into new dinners but sometimes it is just reheated and eaten.

1. That there was a good sermon at church yesterday.
2. That there was a big thunderstorm last night and we got lots of rain and it cooled everything down.
3. That I went through my craft stuff and managed to get rid of a large box full.


Sharla said...

I love leftovers but ever since we added two more kids to our family, we've hardly ever had them. I miss them, especially for a quick lunch! How wonderful that your friend is able to bring you restaurant leftovers too!

Danni said...

Yes we are very blessed with great friends. I never used to have leftovers until my oldest 2 moved out. Having a hard time cooking smaller amounts. LOL